Zoological Nomenclature. Collaboration with EDIT

Friday 27-January 2012
History of Zoological Nomenclature (2 hours)

review of the history of the scientific naming of animals since Carolus Linnaeus

(s. XVIII) to our days is made. A special emphasis is made on the origins of the

need of a Code to rule how animals should be named and which are the benefits of

having a Code. The setting of the International Commission on Zoological

Nomenclature is explained and the main advances leading to the present 4th

Edition are exposed.
Principles of the Code. A general overview of its

articles: I (2 hours)
As a starting the limits of the application of the Code

and its six basic Principles ruling all further articles are explained.

Publication criteria and issues on disponibility of names publication date and

authorship are thoroughly reviewed.
Saturday 28 January


Principles of the Code. A general overview of its articles: II (4

In this exposition a review of validity of names reversal of

precedence creation and properties of names in the three groups (family genus

and species) spellings Principle of Coordination homonymy and typification

in the family and genus groups will be given.
Principles of the Code. A

general overview of its articles: III (4 hours)
In this exposition a review of

validity of names reversal of precedence creation and properties of names in

the three groups (family genus and species) spellings Principle of

Coordination homonymy and typification in the family and genus groups will be

Principles of the Code. A general overview of its articles: IV (2

The review of the Code is finished by the study of the typification in

the species group a survey of the Commission its constituent members duties

and powers and an approach to the future of the Code and the challenge posed by

the need to get a quick knowledge of our biodiversity.
Basic knowledge of

Latin and Greek for nomenclatural use (2 hours)
All that any zoologist should

know about Latin and Greek not to make mistakes in a nutshell. It is not so

difficult as it may appear as this basic survey will show. Some explanations on

how to use a Latin or Greek dictionary will be shown.
Sunday 29 January


Recomendations for a correct nomenclatural praxis (3/4 hour)

easy explanations will show what to do and what not in nomenclature avoiding

thus mistakes or misbehaviours. The importance of a good documentation before

naming animals is reinforced.
A real example of Code application and correct

praxis (5/4 hour)
The real story of the problems the lecturer found when he was

trying to identify a species suitable for biocontrol of weeds (thistles) in

Australia and how these problems were solved by using the rules of the Code

leading to the description of two new species and the stabilization of

nomenclature for a difficult weevil group.
Practices with trainees (2 hours)

The trainees may bring their own nomenclatural problems and solve them under the

guidance of the professor applying what they have learned. The solutions will

be discussed jointly.

MSc students PhD students and early career researchers with a special interest in zoological taxonomy and systematics.

34 91 4111328

34 91 564 5078


Modern Taxonomy programme 2010-2011
Zoological Nomenclature

Course description Course topics are:
• History of Zoological Nomenclature A review of the history of the scientific naming of animals since Carolus Linnaeus (s. XVIII) to our days is made. A special emphasis is made on the origins of the need of a Code to rule how animals should be named and which are the benefits of having a Code.
• Principles of the Code. A general overview of its articles The limits of the application of the Code and its six basic Principles ruling all further articles are explained. Publication criteria and issues on disponibility of names publication date and authorship are thoroughly reviewed. A review of validity of names reversal of precedence creation and properties of names in the three groups (family genus and species) spellings Principle of Coordination homonymy and typification in the family and genus groups will be given. The study of the typification in the species group a survey of the Commission its constituent members duties and powers and an approach to the future of the Code and the challenge posed by the need to get a quick knowledge of our biodiversity will be dealt with.
• Basic knowledge of Latin and Greek for nomenclatural use All that any zoologist should know about Latin and Greek not to make mistakes in a nutshell.
• Recommendations for a correct nomenclatural praxis Some explanations will show what to do and what not in nomenclature. The importance of a good documentation before naming animals is reinforced.
• A real example of Code application and correct praxis The trainees may bring their own nomenclatural problems and solve them under the guidance of the professor applying what they have learned. The solutions will be discussed jointly.
Duration 2 1/2 days. 20 hours
Date 27 – 29 January 2012
Friday from 16:00 to 20:00
Saturday from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 21:00
Sunday from 8:00 to 14:00
Course language English


  • Lunes, 31 Octubre 2011


Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales Madrid- Spain




