PhD candidate in Community Ecology and Biogeography of Aquatic Ecosystems

In the proposed PhD project, the successful candidate will develop a project combining palaeoecological and modern datasets to reconstruct food-web responses to environmental change, from local to global scales.

Candidate profile

  • We are looking for a bright and committed candidate interested in conservation biology from a community ecology perspective to conduct a PhD based at the MNCN-CSIC (Madrid).
  • Previous knowledge in analysing and modelling food-webs, ecological networks is a useful complement. 
  • Previous knowledge and experience with aquatic ecosystems is welcomed. 
  • BSc/MSc in ecology, biology, environmental sciences, geography, or related subjects.
  • Ability to work in groups, share ideas, and network.
  • Solid knowledge of R (and/or Matlab) and GIS.
  • Good writing skills and fluency in English.


What we offer

  • 3-years contract commensurate with experience.
  • Joint supervision by Ramón y Cajal Fellow (Miguel Matias) and senior researcher (Miguel B. Araújo).
  • Integration in a vibrant group of highly motivated international researchers.
  • Fully supported research project through ongoing grants at MNCN.


 How to apply

Please send your application to until the 31st of January 2024 with:

  • A complete CV (no longer than 5 pages).
  • A cover letter explaining why you are ideal for the post.
  • Two names who can provide references and their contact.


More informaton about the project available here.


Image Xiomara Cantera


  • Viernes, 15 Diciembre 2023
  • Miércoles, 31 Enero 2024