‘Sex lies and sperm sorting: the resolution of sexual conflict in the brown Anole’. Ryan Calsbeek Dartmouth College Hanover USA

Seminario de Investigación


Título: Sex, lies, and sperm sorting: the resolution of sexual conflict in the brown Anole


Ponente: Ryan Calsbeek, Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA.



Sexual conflict arises when selection on a trait moves one sex towards a fitness optimum while moving the other sex away. Antagonistic co-evolution between the sexes is one means by which individuals can mediate deleterious effects of sexual conflict. Alternatively conflict would be alleviated if females could differentially sort conflict alleles into the appropriate sex of progeny. Work in my laboratory focuses on the proximate and ultimate mechanisms by which sexual conflict can be alleviated in the brown anole Anolis sagrei. In partiular I will describe the genomic patterns of conflict the population level consequences for conflict in the wild and the agents of natural selection that act on physiological morhpological and behavioral differences that arise as a consequence of sexual conflict.



Viernes, 25 Septiembre 2015

