Modeling ecological niches and geographic distributions: recent applications in the study of evolution and conservation. Richard Pearson University College London (UCL) UK.


Título: Modeling ecological niches and geographic distributions: recent applications in the study of evolution and conservation


Ponente: Richard Pearson, University College London (UCL), UK.




Burgeoning datasets of environmental and biological information, combined with new computational tools such as ecological niche models, are enabling novel ways to study ecological niches and geographic distributions. In this talk I will share some recent and ongoing initiatives that make use of these developments to shed new light on evolutionary processes and to develop improved strategies for biodiversity conservation. I will first describe recent work to better understand the evolutionary and ecological processes that drive patterns of micro-endemism in Madagascar. I will then focus on work that looks at the potential impacts of future climate change on biodiversity in the Arctic and in North America, and will discuss implications for feedbacks to the global climate system as well as ways to assess species’ vulnerability to climate change.



Seminario Richard Pearson

Seminario disponible en Cienciatk



Viernes, 24 Mayo 2013

